Why are there so many MMA fans that insist that mma gloves/bare knuckle vs boxing gloves have no difference in terms of concussive power ?
I’ve seen posts saying “boxing gloves are more concussive than mma gloves”
It’s just blatant misinformation.
Yes primarily purpose of boxing gloves is to protect the hand, but the more padding a boxing gloves, the force of the punch is spread out and hardness of the fist is less, slightly lessening the power of the punch, still doesn’t change the number 1 purpose of boxing gloves, to protect the hand, but bigger gloves do spread out the concussive impact.
It’s like asking which would do more damage and hurt more, getting hit with a baseball bat to the leg, or the same baseball bat strike with padding everywhere around the bat. Of course the bat with the padding will physically hurt less and do less damage to the leg, even with the same force of strike.
I know it’s not a scientific experiment, but when I punch my jaw very lightly with a bare fist, it’s still concussive. when I throw the same exact punch with the same exact power to the jaw but wearing a boxing glove, it has noticeably less concussive effect and hurts less to the brain.
People take the boxing gloves reduce power and exaggerate the claim and think that people are saying boxing gloves reduce like 80 percent of the power.
No one is saying that, but it likely takes like 10 or 15 percent of the power off, especially punches to the temple or the jaw. Getting hit with a grazing punch to the side of the head/temple area with an mma glove or barefist will be a lot more concussive and damaging to the brain vs the same exact grazing punch with an 18 oz glove. for an exaggerated example if you wore some comically large 50 oz glove that were like 3 times the size of a regular glove, getting hit in the head would feel like getting shoved, instead of being punched.
no one is saying people can’t get knocked out with boxing gloves, its just takes the power off slightly like 10 to 20 percent
submitted by /u/tropicaldesert8989
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